To position the Elvie femtech brand as a player committed to the well-being of women/moms
Production of a buzz campaign in Paris to break the taboo of breastfeeding in public: “All boobs are welcome here” with a mobile breastfeeding bench installed in Paris public places.
- Amplification of the PR campaign in mainstream media, women/family, engaged/society, SoMe… 1. Deal embargo with Le Parisien on D-Day
2.Activation of mommy communities to increase attendance and provide mommy spokespersons 3. Set up an interview schedule with the Elvie spokesperson on D-Day to create a buzz quickly
- Social Media amplification with 2 paid influence collaborations for breastfeeding mothers: @chloeandyou and @floriane_lt
Nearly 100 press clippings (including 70 during the 2 days of the operation)
- 15 TV/Radios (M6, BFM, LCI, France Inter…) – 15 SoMe (Brut, Konbini, Simone,…) ->Reach:61M/EAE:400K€
- 23 Social Media publications collaboration paid (6 dealt at the beginning)
- Impressions estimated: 2,7M
Influence picture : @moody_gaby